import { colord, extend } from "colord";
import namesPlugin from "colord/plugins/names";
import mixPlugin from "colord/plugins/mix";
import { truncate, constrain, degreeCircle } from "@pencil.js/math";
extend([namesPlugin, mixPlugin]);
* @module Color
const parsedKey = Symbol("_parsed");
* Color class
* @class
export default class Color {
* @typedef {Color|String|Number|Array<Number>} ColorDefinition
* Color constructor
* @param {ColorDefinition} colorDefinition - Many types accepted (other Color instance, color name, hex string, hex number, red/green/blue/alpha value)
* @example
* new Color("indigo"); // Any valid CSS color name
* new Color("#123456"); // Hex string definition
* new Color("#123"); // Hex shorthand string definition, #123 <=> #112233
* new Color(0x123456); // Hex number definition
* new Color(0.1, 0.2, 0.3); // Red, Green, Blue definition
* Every definition can have one more optional parameter for alpha (opacity)
* new Color("violet", 0.5);
constructor (...colorDefinition) {
this[parsedKey] = null;
* Create a new copy of this color
* @return {Color}
clone () {
return new Color(this);
* Get the red channel value
* @return {Number}
get red () {
return this[parsedKey].rgba.r / 255;
* Set the red channel
* @param {Number} value - New value
set red (value) {
this[parsedKey].rgba.r = constrain(value * 255, 0, 255);
* Get the green channel value
* @return {Number}
get green () {
return this[parsedKey].rgba.g / 255;
* Set the green channel
* @param {Number} value - New value
set green (value) {
this[parsedKey].rgba.g = constrain(value * 255, 0, 255);
* Get the blue channel value
* @return {Number}
get blue () {
return this[parsedKey].rgba.b / 255;
* Set the blue channel
* @param {Number} value - New value
set blue (value) {
this[parsedKey].rgba.b = constrain(value * 255, 0, 255);
* Get the transparency channel value
* @return {Number}
get alpha () {
return this[parsedKey].rgba.a;
* Set the transparency channel
* @param {Number} value - New value
set alpha (value) {
this[parsedKey].rgba.a = constrain(value, 0, 1);
* Return an array with red, green and blue value
* @example [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
* @return {Array<Number>}
get array () {
return [,,,
* Return hexadecimal rgb notation
* @example "#123456"
* @return {String}
get hex () {
return this[parsedKey].toHex();
* Return hexadecimal rgb notation
* @example "#123456"
* @return {String}
get rgb () {
return this.hex;
* Return the closest CSS color name
* @example "aliceblue"
* @return {String}
get name () {
return this[parsedKey].toName({
closest: true,
// TODO: do we need more getters ? User only need to interact with Color, not read values.
* Change this values
* @param {ColorDefinition} colorDefinition - Any supported color definition (see constructor)
* @return {Color} Itself
set (...colorDefinition) {
const [first] = colorDefinition;
let input;
let alpha;
if (first instanceof Color) {
input = first[parsedKey].rgba;
[, alpha = input.a] = colorDefinition;
else if (typeof first === "string") {
input = first;
[, alpha = 1] = colorDefinition;
else if (first === undefined || first === null) {
input = "#000";
alpha = 1;
else if (colorDefinition.length < 3) {
input = `#${truncate(colorDefinition[0]).toString(16)}`;
[, alpha = 1] = colorDefinition;
else {
const [r, g, b] = colorDefinition.slice(0, 3).map(value => value * 255);
[,,, alpha = 1] = colorDefinition;
input = {
this[parsedKey] = colord(input).alpha(alpha);
return this;
* Change to its greyscale value
* @return {Color} Itself
grey () {
this[parsedKey] = this[parsedKey].grayscale();
return this;
* Change hue value (0 = red, 0.5 = blue, 1 = red, 1.5 = blue ...)
* @param {Number} value - Any value between 0 and 1
* @return {Color} Itself
hue (value) {
this[parsedKey] = this[parsedKey].hue(value * degreeCircle);
return this;
* Change saturation value (0 = grey, 1 = pure color)
* @param {Number} value - Any value between 0 and 1
* @return {Color} Itself
saturation (value) {
const hsl = this[parsedKey].toHsl();
hsl.s = value * 100;
this[parsedKey] = colord(hsl);
return this;
* Change lightness value (0 = black, 0.5 = pure color, 1 = white)
* @param {Number} value - Any value between 0 and 1
* @return {Color} Itself
lightness (value) {
const hsl = this[parsedKey].toHsl();
hsl.l = value * 100;
this[parsedKey] = colord(hsl);
return this;
* Invert the color value
* @return {Color} Itself
reverse () {
this[parsedKey] = this[parsedKey].invert();
return this;
* Restrict the color space to an amount of possible value
* @param {Number} number - Number of allowed value
* @return {Color} Itself
level (number) {
const { r, g, b } = this[parsedKey].rgba;
const p = 255 / number;
this[parsedKey].rgba.r = truncate(r / p) * p + (p / 2);
this[parsedKey].rgba.g = truncate(g / p) * p + (p / 2);
this[parsedKey].rgba.b = truncate(b / p) * p + (p / 2);
return this;
* Change the color toward another color
* @param {ColorDefinition} colorDefinition - Any other color
* @param {Number} ratio - Ratio of distance to move (0 = no change, 0.5 = equal mix, 1 = same as target color)
* @return {Color} Itself
lerp (colorDefinition, ratio) {
const color = Color.from(colorDefinition);
this[parsedKey] = this[parsedKey].mix(color[parsedKey], ratio);
return this;
* @return {String}
toString () {
return this.hex;
* Return a json ready array
* @return {Array<Number>}
toJSON () {
return [
* Return an instance from a generic definition
* @param {ColorDefinition} colorDefinition - Any valid color definition (see constructor)
* @return {Color}
static from (...colorDefinition) {
const param = colorDefinition[0];
if (param instanceof Color) {
return param;
return new Color(...colorDefinition);
Color.prototype.gray = Color.prototype.grey;
Color.prototype.mix = Color.prototype.lerp;